🥷 We do our own stunts!

Set your clothes on fire - that'll show 'em!

Yo, what’s good Indexers! The first real week of the year is almost up, who’s already ready to pack it in? Well, not before getting your dose of Database Updates you won’t!

Top Updates

  • Indexer Brand Review: ANKA (Another Kind Of Artistry)

  • Database - New Profiles

  • Dog Vests ?

  • Some dope Japanese Brands


This week, we’re thinking about the essence of an authentic narrative and how it can become the cornerstone of your brand. Here are five ways to tell a story that feels authentic to your brand, pick one (or two) that works for you and use it across communications from video content to product information.

  1. Origin Story

A classic and as personal as it gets. Share the roots of your brand – the passion, struggles, and the "aha" moment that sparked its creation. Let your audience connect with the journey.

  1. Transparent Communication

Be open about your processes, values, and even challenges. Transparency builds trust, a crucial element in fostering long-term relationships so give a peek behind the curtains.

  1. Real People, Real Stories

Highlight the people behind your brand – the designers, creators, hell maybe even the factories helping produce some of your garments. Humanise your brand by showcasing the faces and stories that drive it.

  1. Testimonials

Let your customers become your brand ambassadors. Reach out to friends and customers for authentic testimonials and user-generated content to showcase real experiences with your products. This can be made to be funny, dramatic, or simply show practical use.

  1. Striking Visuals

If it’s your thing, pick up a camera and shoot some beautiful cinematic content! Craft visuals that represent your brand's personality and visual identity. Consistent and genuine visuals reinforce the sincerity of your brand narrative.

Remember, authenticity is not a trend; it's a timeless asset that resonates with audiences. Embrace your brand's unique story, and watch your authenticity become a magnet for loyal customers.


  • Brand Profiles: [#241] Seventh Heaven Article Profile | [#9692] Kody Phillips Article Profile | [#5763] Rombaut Article Profile | [#2701] House of Errors Video Profile | [#4265} No/Faith Studios Video Profile

  • Brand Lab: The poll results are in for the next topic we learn about and it looks like it’s - 43% Influencer Marketing | 21% Guerilla Marketing | 36% Getting Press


For our weekly Index Brand Review, we took a look at ANKA, which stands for “A New Kind Of Artistry”, an emerging brand fusing fashion, film, and functionality.

ANKA was founded in 2022 by Anton Simpson-Tidy & Katie McDonnell, two stunt performers who were inspired by the practicality of the workwear they and their colleagues would wear on the set of films they performed in. Seeing an opportunity to blend their move-making experience with clothing that emulates the versatility of their work and everyday functionality, ANKA would be born to bring behind-the-scenes front and center.

ANKA's narrative is immediately compelling, rooted in the experiences of experts in a dangerous profession, translating their stories and those of their peers into a unique clothing line. The brand offers a captivating insight into a niche that many may not realise fascinates them, adding a whole new meaning to the phrase "I do my own stunts."

  • ANKA excels in messaging and visual storytelling, consistently aligning with their mission. The brand transports us into a thrilling world where individuals are set ablaze, and intense sword fights showcase the fluidity of their garments in familiar, adrenaline-pumping settings.

  • While ANKA's concept is innovative, the products, largely classic streetwear silhouettes, face stiff competition in the market. Beyond some embellishments and an industry-representative utility vest, the line lacks distinctiveness. We encourage ANKA to explore bolder, possibly more exaggerated designs that truly encapsulate the essence of stunt performers' attire. This may take time to conceptualise, but the pay off will be a brand that is unique in every way.

Thank you ANKA for your submission, and for being part of the Index community! We’re all so excited to see your journey continue.

If you like what you see and want a brand reviewed, hit the submission link here, or in the Always Index Website menu


Internet picks

That’s it ya’ll! Want to say a quick thank you to everyone for being so engaged, we’re starting off the year on a high-note, let’s keep it going. See ya, and as always, Index.