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  • What’s the price of originality, Good Sir 🤔

What’s the price of originality, Good Sir 🤔

Inflation can't take my steez too..

Dear Indexers, today we’re asking where originality really comes from, and what it takes to trust yourself

This week we look at:

  • An exclusive interview with Haigann President, the visionary designer doing knitwear on her terms

  • What the new Instagram app “Threads” could mean for emerging fashion brands spoiler alert a whole lot

So really what does it take to be original?

This week, we’re thrilled to give you the perspective of the incredibly talented Haigann President, a rising star in the world of fashion design. In this captivating conversation, Haigann delves into the intricacies and sacrifices involved in pursuing true originality.

Our discussion was first framed by an exploration of Haigann's name. Whilst ‘Haigann President’ was confirmed as a certifiably fire name by all, Haigann expressed her reservations, explaining how the democratised use of the term 'President’ often overshadows its true strength as a name. However, she recognises its cultural significance in her family, which traces back to her ancestors and the complex history of colonialism in the Caribbean.

Haigann seeking to give new meaning to a name that reflects a rich tapestry of history, positively correlates with her decision to focus on the age-old medium of knitwear design, in order to add a novel and unique flare to the craft.

Growing up I've always had this sense of originality over everything.

Haigann President

Recently completing her undergraduate degree at Polimoda Fashion School in Florence, Italy, Haigann's journey led her to move countries, leaving behind her home in Canada to study fashion design. Whilst others may shy at a large shift like this, it was simply the cost of once again subverting the status quo of her environment whilst pursuing one that would nurture her desire for novelty.

A lot of people were like that's just so brave but I didn't feel brave, I felt so ready.

Despite significant opportunities at established European fashion houses, Haigann seeks a smaller design studio that allows her personal creativity to shine. Like many of us, she wants to learn and grow without being stifled by tradition and hierarchy.

I would love to be at an emerging brand, especially because I think that there's going to be so much value seeing a brand grow.

For Haigann, the pursuit of originality is worth the cost, even going so far as to knit her own fabrics from scratch when she couldn’t find the right patterns and colours in stock.

Part of Haigann’s strive for self-actualised success has been building a brand with her sister to serve POC charities. Not for personal gain, but rather for collective empowerment “Silence Is Compliance” is another voice for Haigann to showcase her core values.

In closing, Haigann acknowledged the unwavering support of her mother and sister, who have been instrumental in her pursuit of design excellence on her own terms.

Through Haigann, we clearly see that the complexion of originality is layered by the span of decisions and sacrifices required to truly embody one's unique vision. Haigann President is an inspiring example of an individual who fearlessly pursues her passion while staying true to her heritage.

We hope this piece leaves you inspired and motivated to embrace your own journey of originality.


WHY ARE WE SHOUTING!? Because it’s not often you get a whole new platform and opportunity to revitalise your brand and its reach.

Hey, we love you guys, especially if you’re a brand owner, but whatever your choice of profession just listen up because we’re giving a quick breakdown of what Instagram’s new app Threads means for communicating with your audience.

1. The fastest and cheapest way to show your process

Hours of editing multiple TikToks and reels for your content calendar just to tell them you made a sample? Bah! Your audience has just been put in a group chat for you to give them live updates on what you’re up to and where things are headed - don’t ghost them!

2. Conversation is king

Speaking to your patrons has never been easier. Getting intel, insights, feedback, recommendations, whatever, just talk to people and embed yourself in their minds so that the more you do it, the more valuable the data as they become more comfortable.

3. In the trenches with the homies

This is your new space to build a fanbase that is locked into every drop and activation you got in the tank. We know ya’ll be liking those giveaways, well in the 24 hrs the app has been up I've seen 3 brands do it. They aren’t wrong either, interaction on there is more valuable because the feed can literally be filled with people reposting your brand. So announcements, promotions, everything you’ve got - put it out.

That’s it for this week folks! It was our first ever interview so please go show some love to Haigann, she’s amazing, incredibly sweet, and will do so well.

See ya here next week!

Chuka Okonjo | Editor-in-Chief, Always Index